“Grandma’s Hands” written and performed by Carla Vega and directed by Shyamala Moorty is an endearing portrayal of Carla’s Puerto-Rican Grandmother and and was directed by and performed virtually during the pandemic and adjusted to reflect current times.

We’re pleased that it is back on youtube in the Willie Agee Playhouse One-Person Show Festival,. April 10-16, 2022, for free!

“Grandma’s Hands in the Willie Agee Playhouse One-Person show Festival

*Originally produced for the stage with Teada Productions in 2012 as part of the TeadaWorks Festival, this new version debuted in PlaygroundSF’s 2021 Solo Festival, updated with technical assistance from Annie Tillis. Both shows directed by the graceful and magical, Shyamala Moorty.
Sponsored by the Willie Agee Playhouse AKA Inglewood Playhouse and the City of Inglewood.