a fierce Latinx woman stares at the camera in front of a cement wall.

Fight the Fear

“Fight the Fear” came out of a guest artist residency of Shyamala Moorty with CSULB Dance students. In the process, two of the students shared their powerful migration stories, that merged with Shyamala’s long distance work with the Post Natyam Collective about borders and water. Learn more about this screendance here.

A South Asian Woman in front of a microphone playing a guitar.

Fitting Out Festival

“How Do You Fall Out of Love with Country Music?” is a new monologue about an Indian immigrant enamored with country and western music that Shyamala directed for Theater West’s Fitting Out Festival. Enjoy this spunky character in our virtual recording here!

Two dancers in Indian Mythology and Me

Indian Mythology and Me

The Dancing Storytellers, have been touring this show to schools, libraries, museums and theaters all over Southern California for 10 years! Now the Segerstrom Center for the Performing Arts did a beautiful taping of it and it is available for booking through the Center, contact ArtsTeach@SCFTA.org.

Sariyah Idan cucooned in a red fabric that encompasses her kneeling body and then trails behind her. This is a visual moment of the performance "homeless in homeland".

Homeless in Homeland

Due to the current escalation of violence in Palestine-Israel, the filming of the solo theater show HOMELESS IN HOMELAND is now being made free to the public. This stunning interdisciplinary documentary-theater about Jewish identity and the occupation of Palestine was created and performed by Sariyah Idan and directed by Shyamala Moorty. Our hope is that it will help answer some people’s questions, provide historical information, context of the contemporary reality, and deeper insight into how identity and emotionality get tied in.