RISE , Shyamala’s solo show about riots, religious fundamentalism, and the breakdown of the toilet was applauded it as a “tour-de-force” in the LA Times, 2004.

Shyamala's picture in RISE featured on the book cover of Desi Divas: Political Activism in South Asian American Cultural Performances
cover image of Desi Divas, featuring Shyamala Moorty in RISE. Photo by Christine Nguyen

In 2011, Christine Garlough wrote a chapter about RISE in her book Desi Diva’s: Political Activism in South Asian American Cultural Performances. She wrote, “Shyamala simultaneously recognizes and refuses borders in order to enact a feminist critique of violence and argue for an ethic of care.”

Still relevant after 15 years, Shyamala performed RISE as the keynote to the Interrogating South Asia Conference, Oct 10, 2019. Below are some responses from some of the attendees, including a video clip of Shyamala dancing as the river goddess Ganga:

“Excellent performance by Shyamala Moorty and politically relevant for our times.  Art is for thinking too.” -Pratichi Priyambada

Categories: In the Media